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Jaime Bolster

Accounts Manager

Jaime, an accomplished Accounts Manager, began her journey with the company in June 2020—a time marked by the global upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic. Originally planning to move to Europe, Jaime’s plans were altered as the world came to a halt. Nevertheless, this unexpected twist led her to settle down, acquiring a house and a dog, and transitioning from an accounts administrator to an accounts manager, a role in which she has truly flourished.

Jaime’s professional background is rooted in a solid foundation of accounting studies, complemented by her membership with the Chartered Accountants Association as an accounting technician. Her career trajectory started as an Office Junior in the HVAC industry—a role she admittedly found less than thrilling—but it provided her with the experience and resilience that have been crucial in her current position.

Outside of her professional life, Jaime is a vibrant and active individual with a variety of hobbies. She enjoys running with her dog, playing social netball, practicing reformer Pilates, and skiing during the winter months. Jaime also loves socializing and is known for her outgoing personality. Recently, she took on the challenge of landscaping her own house, although she found it less enjoyable than her other pastimes.

Jaime Bolster’s journey is a testament to her adaptability and determination. Her ability to navigate unexpected changes and thrive in her career while maintaining a rich and active personal life makes her an invaluable member of any team.